Saturday, February 25, 2006

This is my lovely Uncle Pat. (Patrick Francis Flanagan). He was the baby in a previous picture posted recently. He was my Mother's Mother's older brother and we kids loved him... maybe because he loved us but also because he had an understanding of us kids which not a lot of adults have.

He felt like one of us... At the time this was taken he had just recovered from the first of many strokes. He had just retired from farming and weeks later had a massive stroke.

This uncle could dance the feet off anyone who was game to dance with him at the local bush dances and did this right up until he had his stroke at about 75.

He had the biggest feet... which squashed many a toe... and the longest arms ever...was about 6'5' in his prime.

He could tell the tallest yarns and recite poems verbatim , pages length. He loved loved loved music as did all of our Flanagan side.

He loved music, scotch and smokes (which my dad smuggled to him after the stroke). I loved him totally never fearing his ridicule nor his judgement. I only hope that when I grow this old I will have the sense to be as wise as he was and as kind to the children who may know me. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, this post sent me back to look at the other photos again... lovely to wake up to such good memories this morning.
