The Best News!
Many clouds do have golden linings...if not silver...
They announced this evening that the NSW Government is now going to hold a full judicial Inquiry into practices at Royal north Shore Hospital (Sydney).
The Labour Gov has done a back flip...possibly linked with the fact that there is a federal Election just announced...i don't bloody well care who gets elected... they are all weak spineless shits who shine their trousers 9and skirts) at taxpayers expense...
I care about the fact that now my husband's treatment can be dealt with in a judicial setting which means names can be mentioned without fear of being sued etc...and I will be talking my head off.... you
can bet on that.
Yesterday I went out the long driveway to close the gate for the night, and on my trip back I was so down because after all the work I put into the complaint about Don's torture in RNSHospital nothing was happening...
I was feeling a bit lost and very lonely and because I am out of town I just shouted at the top of mu lungs "Where on earth have you gone?" may sound crazy but still have trouble accepting reality...
then the sky strobed with sunlight across the clouds near the setting sun... it was so beautiful and put me firmly in my place...ain't nature grand?
By the time I took this it had settled down a lot...but still lovely...
Then today I got first a call from the Health Care Complaints Unit saying they were now investigating Don's treatment...and then a half hour later this announcement on the news...
I have already packaged up my information for the Inquiry and will Express post it AM tomorrow....
: )
Peace and love from me.
Superb on all counts :)
I still stand in front of the kid's photo and swear at him. In my mind, I can hear him laughing back at me.
Good news, and nice shot!
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