Sunday, March 25, 2007

Today has been the most beautiful of days.
From about 4am we have had a most gentle rain fall...all the trees and plants are hanging with large drops, and all I can hear is a soft shushing noise ...something to us rain starved Australians is a welcome novelty. Everything, all the plants and grasses and trees seems to be all sprucied up and standing tall under the misting rain.

The smells are all the dust and grime is washed away...

autumn is here but we are getting summer rain that we didn't get... no golden leaves here in autumn...just green.


rosemary said...

We are having lots of spring rains. Rain is a comfort isn't it. If I wake up like you did and it is raining, I can usually go right back to sleep just listening to the drops on the roof....we have a metal roof and it make music when it rains.

Pat said...

Awesome, isn't it?!! And you make it sound so incredibly more wonderful than even that!!

BwcaBrownie said...

I've never seen blue ginger - does it have the same glorious scent as the yellow kind ?