Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ingesting the Placenta: Is it Healthy for New Moms? Duh?

Jesus Mary and Joseph is there no end to this crap? I kid you not....

"Placentophagy, the practice of ingesting your placenta after giving birth, is certainly not standard practice, but some are staunch believers.They believe eating the placenta, either in capsulated or cooked form, can balance out hormonal fluctuations that play a role in postpartum depression. Many refer to the fact that most mammals consume their placentas after giving birth as proof that the practice is normal and natural. It has also been a part of Traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Jodi Selander of Las Vegas, who offers a free encapsulation service, says, "We are the only mammal on Earth that went away from this practice."
But the practice is met with great skepticism by more traditional medical experts, and it has been brought to the attention of the FDA, who is now looking into the claims made on Selander's website. Mark Kristal, a professor at State University of New York at Buffalo, wrote a 1971 dissertation on why animals eat their own placenta. According to Kristal, there's "no research to substantiate claims of human benefit." He points out that the cooking process will destroy proteins and hormones, and that drying out, or freezing the placenta, will destroy other ingredients."

Any one for seconds people? begorrah I feel really ill....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

many animals lick their own arses but it's not something to be recommended for humans.

Sling said...

..and the praying mantis female devours the male after sex...Okay,..that may be true of humans as well.

mirk said...

Anything that sorts out woman's hormonal fluctuations sounds good to me!! Did I just say that oops.

No all I want to know is.. is the placenta to grainy that could have ramifications for the newborn after that I don't want to know mind you if it could sort out errr.....

JahTeh said...

Perhaps with a nice Chianti and some Fava beans.

Wasn't there some rumour that dingdong Cruise was going to do that after baby Suri's birth?

Pat said...

Unbelievable! I was mortified when I learned that they sent my placenta to a research facility for examination - due to all the mysterious and unexpected birth trauma in giving birth to favorite son! When they told me, in shock and embarassment I blurted out: "You didn't put my name on the package, did you????"

So given that reaction, I just have no words for this practice!!!!!! Uggggghhhh.....

Middle Child said...

Do you want that supersized....? With fries and a bucket of Coke?

We're bloody lucky, in a the future when there are even nore boffins making rules we'll be punished if we don't eat it I reckon... it's be called "placental Neglect" ta ta ta

Cazzie!!! said...

Yep....I had a big serving of Crayfish and prawns after I birthed my the placenta went off and got incinerated..amen to it.