Looking back at the place with night coming - wouldn't want to drop a match in there folks.
A storm approaching - no rain sadly.
My front gate - pretty swish - I must say.
Back to the house. Don designed the rock wall around the house. The house sits on a mound because its on a flood plain. The wall was necessary because we are not on town water or sewage...so the sewage system directs the waste water onto the area within that rock wall - things grow really fast. It looks good but wasn't done just to look good - it serves a real purpose - holding the whole shebang together.
Looked back on your path walks....what a beautiful place you have....serene and private. Don did a great job designing that wall.
Beautiful digs you got there Therese!
Don did a fine job on the property.
I love that you have kangaroos milling about.
Would like to know more about where you live! Beautiful surroundings:-) Have you got much land around you? Are neighbours near by? How far from a town? Just curious!
I so agree with Sling, what a lovely place you have Therese. It has you and Don and the girls all over it..lovely, beautiful and a breath of fresh air with it :)
I got your package too btw... thanks so much. I have begun the first chapter thus far. Huggs Cazzie
Lovely lovely lovely! Thanks so much for sharing pics of your place... looks gorgeous.
That big grey roo looks like... yeah! Keep your distance! heh.
I hope you'll be getting some of the rainfall we're getting out here today? After the last few days of heat, the rain is a real refresher. Hope alls well in your world [waves hello]
Mal :)
Rosemary - thanks he did do a good job. I remember when the men were here doing it - Don was really insistent it be done properly...was really funny to watch - because they were friends of his as well.
It does have a feeling of serenity
Sling - I sure appreciate living here...as beautiful as the land is its useless for farming really because of being on the flood plain - so land was really cheap..
the big male kangaroo can be a bit of a worry...I make sure he jumps away before I go too far out - they can be a bit nasty in mating season.
The Aboriginal word (around Sydney) for "I don't know" was kangaroo. So when the English asked what the animal was way back and were told "I don't know" thats where the word Kangaroo came from.
1. Its on four acres or hectares I can never remember - will have to have a look at the paperwork.
2. I can see the neighbour's houses just - we are friendly like if something went wrong I could call on them and they on me, but we all pretty much like our privacy. For a blogger - its odd - I actually got used to my own privacy - Don and I were unable to join in a lot of gatherings because of stairs and his sickness - so we became self sufficient - I like it.
3. About 4kms from town on a scary bit of road.
4. and you asked for a copy of the manuscript but did not send your postal address... my email is tmackay@tsn.cc
Cazzie - Thanks for the comments. It has a lovely feel out here - I know I won't be here for more than four/five years...can't be a hermit for the rest of my life - but for now I am loving this place...it just costs a bit too much to maintain sadly.
Mal - no rain yet apart from a spatter overnight...gone by morning. You spotted the stance on that Kangaroo - he was ready for a battle I think but changed his mind. I am not silly thinking they are all like skippy...someone closeby had her face and arms raked by a big one like this - she was just out walking -
Apart from the heat, what a glorious place to live.
You could grow rice? ;)
Such a lovely homestead friend. I too enjoy taking long walks to air things and get outside. Cannot be cooped up too long you know?
Happy trails sister.
Mom it is nice - I hope i can afford to keep it as the years go by...it has a special feeling
Andrew - and it is very hot at times but the winters are just beautiful
Trish great to hear from you - yes i see some rice growing here...would rather pasta though - what a shame it comes from wheat...
Cs sometimes I like being inside and then I feel the need to be out under the big sky...I am the only one of my 4 sisters to be still in the countryside -sad really
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