Saturday, July 12, 2008

Two young men -

taken about 1943. One is my Dad (left hand side) the other is his younger brother Matt. I saw my uncle Matt recently on a trip....he was in hospital and dying from secondary cancers - My dad (left) was killed in 1969 when hit by a car (drunk driver) but uncle Matt lived all those years in between then and now. I wondered at this seeing this photo and knowing the gentle thoughtful man Uncle Matt had become. This photo was taken during the War years - Dad had had callipers on his legs and was rejected by the army and uncle Matt was not old enough - so both brothers survived.

Tomorrow early I will drive over to Muswellbrook to go to Uncle Matt's funeral - he came to my husband Don's funeral last year although hew was ill at the time - we live about 8 hrs drive away - he also came to Melissa's wedding which was no mean feat for him -

so he was letting us know that our family was still his family
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Ann ODyne said...

oh Stirrer - another great photo, and that daisy bush is nearly as tall as them.

Bless you Uncle Matt and rest in peace.

Sling said...

sorry to hear about uncle Matt.
you always have the most nostalgic photos to share.all my old family pix have gone lost along the way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your news and I hope it isn't going to be too hard on you. You have had a tough year.

Anonymous said...

I remember when you went there to visit him in the hospital not that long ago. Good for you for showing such respect and love. A trooper you are and a dear soul as well. Let us know when you get back--don't keep us waiting too long. Safe travels and so sorry about your Uncle. Love the pix. You have the best pix.

Middle Child said...
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Middle Child said...

dysthymiac thanks - It means something

Sling They are a treasure but would not be so if the people they represent were not good people - sorry you lost yours along the way.

Jacqui No it should be okay - my year has been tough but I know othersa who have had worse.

Caroline I do have a close inner family, and one or two like Matt in the extended family who cared - its not so big these days.

CS - long drive very long drive - got back okay CS : )

Anonymous said...

Welcome back friend.