Friday, February 23, 2007

A bit of a thought train.

I was talking with my sister Joan this morning and the mention was made of the US invasion of Panama some years back... it came up by way of talking about the Australian national David Hicks who has been illegally imprisoned by the US for five years at Guantarnamo (?) Bay in Cuba...which I thought belonged to the Cubans, but shows how much I know...

One of the charges they have finally thrown against him after five years of "investigation" was that he was loitering or observing or whatever the US Embassy in Afghanistan...HM! Storage fact was that at that time that embassy was defunct, closed, empty...Most Australians are really pissed off over this disregard for due process and the barbaric conditions he and others who also have not been charged are being kept in. I always find it really hard to observe the way ordinary prisoners in the US and other places appear hands and feet shackled and in jump suits.

But I digress...I asked my sister how on earth the US got away with invading a foreign country like Panama, and she just said...because they can. Which is just great but true.Then I wondered what ever happened to Norieiga (unsure of spelling) the leader of Panama who was imprisoned by the US after the least he wasn't executed he still alive, did he die from a "disease" in jail? Does anyone know?No one I have spoken to seems to know whats happened to him. As with Saddam the Panamanian leader was a nasty piece of goods but it still seems and always will seem wrong that one country on earth is allowed to be the world's police force and there are no rules that have to follow. Its a bit scary.

This is not a US bash... as with Australia and other countries most people are pretty disgusted at what pretends to be democracy these days - worldwide ...was it ever? Is it just more obvious that it is a prison planet really and you only feel the chains when you try to break out of the box?I think so.

I have read, in the past a fair amount of history; its an interest. I used to be saddened by the suffering throughout the ages of ordinary people who spoke out, held the "wrong "beliefs, were victims of the insanity of the leaders, both political and religious (is there a difference?). But what we did to each other in the past is chicken shit compared to what is happening today and the scale of it.

The real wars and suffering from engineered starvation and malnourishment of most of the planet due to modern food practices...mean that whether fat or thin, we and especially our children seldom eat live food, meaning veges only days old... most supermarket vegetables - shock gasp horror can be up to a year old and so depleted of vitamins you may as well eat cardboard and take vitamins...

Hence diseases of the immune system through this nutritional debasement of our food, through the fouling of our water with fluoride, chlorine, alum, and other pollutants and through the destruction of our atmosphere with intentionally spraying the skies with all forms of chemicals in weather manipulation - (type in chemtrails); over vaccination of babies as young as days old and the consequences of that is a medical disaster; all of that and more, makes what is happening in Iraq seem almost tame by comparison...but its not...the middle east and northern hemisphere is being showered and spoiled with the depleted uranium from the warheads from the first Iraq invasion and now from this one.

This poison will be in the soil and food and water and air for centuries ...

Its funny, if someone points a gun at you or your children or anyone it is expected that you will try to stop that happening and in many cases people will even put themselves in the way to save someone else...but when the gun firing that bullet will take decades to kill you through dreadful cancers, and other we are expected to kneel in awe of the medical pharmaceutical and petrochemical/industrial conglomerates which produce the poisons and conditions we don't even know we are being exposed to...and in many cases people have children taken away from them if they see the bullet that the "professionals" in all their parroty pocket driven have encouraged the authorities for force upon us all, and try to do what parents have always done... protect the future of their children.

So for me, history with all its wars, bad as they were, and the plagues, sicknesses...although dreadful do not compare with the slow but speeding up weakening of the human race, physically, mentally and hence spiritually... if you are sickened, it is hard to break through the brain fog to think and reason and look up.

We are not encouraged to look up these days much... this is reflected even in the construction of modern churches...not that I go there much... but in the past churches reflected the forest and eyes were drawn up. Not such a big deal in a country town but in a crowded city occasionally it was nice just to sit in the silence of a midweek church and watch the sun slant through the leadlight windows and for a time feel a peace which had nothing to do with religion by rote, but with the innate spirit that is inside all of us...

Few modern churches are like this - the rot set in when they decided to go all trendy in the 1960's and start singing bloody "Kumbya" and all that garbage...when all that was needed was the beauty of the incense at benediction and the nun's glorious choir and it didn't matter if you couldn't understand a word of the Latin, sometimes, eyes were drawn up and inwards as they are on a hilltop, or on a starry night...

and don't get me started on Outward based Education and what thats done to a generation of our poor bloody undereducated kids...there isn't room enough for that but its part of the dumbing down, phonetic spelling, not understanding the idea of there being consequences for actions...

And please don't ask me how I got to here from talking about Panama but its all connected to me...and follows a perfect logic ; ) HMMM!


Dan said...

This is why my old car had the bumper sticker QUESTION AUTHORITY and I have been doing so every moment of my existence since then. But if I let this crap bother me I'd miss out on the happy things in life. I can't imagine thinking, on my death bed, "I wish I had worried more about Guantanomo Bay".

I just can't fathom thinking that. Perhaps "I wish I would have spent more time loving my friends and family" or something like that.

So for me there's a balance. Thomas Jefferson said that government was a necessary evil. I agree with him on the evil part but never really got behind him on the necessary part! :)

Middle Child said...

Thanks for the comment Dan.

I was blessed at birth as an glass is always half full not empty, so agree with you...but sometimes just got to get stuff out...the thought train was it. MY sister born on the same day as I says she got the pessimist half and feels her glass half empty...but she was born 6 yrs later so think she's having herself on a bit.

Cazzie!!! said...

Yup, lovew my incense, even keep the packaging and put it in my drawer to make my clothes smell nice. Kymbya indeed, we used to sing it at Primary School in the 70' it, it is such a calming mantra.

Sling said...

I have always been proud to be an American.The things we stand for,and the hope for a better life our founding fathers had in mind when they began this "noble experiment"..
Having said that,..What the hell is really goin' on in this country??..We seem to have lost our way MC,and it's not what the average American wants...Really..I don't feel like you were bashing us.I feel like you were saying,"Step up and back your play!"..sorry ,..I get drove about such things..Nice post!

mirk said...

I didn't know they had an Australian citizens in that place as well. I have always thought there is something strange about the camp anyway.

Middle Child said...

Poor David Hicks has become almost insane... I am ashamed that our Government here in Australia has allowed this to happen 5 years uncharged...sounds like medieval justice to me.

R.H. said...
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R.H. said...

And who forced the stupid bastard into this mess in the first place?

He's just lucky not to have been shot soon as they caught him.

Middle Child said...

Rh...Its an accepted fact that Noreiaga was known to be a CIA friendly leader as was Saddam... just unlucky the friends they chose to protect tham...both bad bastards but stlll much worse are those who placed them.

R.H. said...

I don't know what the hell you're talking about, this bloke is a prisoner of war, same as thousands of others who've spent time interned here and all over the world. The difference is he's a Quisling as well, a bloody traitor.

R.H. said...

Forget it, I can't be bothered. It takes forever to open comments here anyway.