Thursday, February 01, 2007

Back in 1998 -1999 our youngest went through a devestating illness - a bout with annorexia and bulimea...a short period compared to others who have this for years if they are lucky to still be bloody joke let me tell you. She was in her early 20's and recognised what was happening unlike many teenage girls and asked for help which she got...she has moved on sonce this but

out of this she began a small website in which she wrote her story (anna'sstory) and I wrote mine (a mother's story)...some of us know people who have this condition and she gives the email adresses of help for Australian sufferers...and it is suffering...


Dan said...

MC, I'm sure glad your daughter got through it ... and you too!

And you're both beautiful in my book, no matter how much you weigh. :)

Middle Child said...

Ah! you can't take any of it with you, not fat, jewels, cars or other goodies... what you take out of this world is what matters most but seems to get the least attention

Diane S. said...

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia are devastating illnesses. Bravo for your daughter for recognizing she had a problem and seeking help. Bravo to you for being there for her. I wish you both great success on the new blog venture.

And really, you think Bush and Clinton were equally evil? Oh well, I adore you anyway.



Jacqui said...

I know the pain of anorexia and bulimia (mostly this part) as I started at 15 and finally conquered it at 37, by which time I had done so much lasting damage to my body. Now I look back at the photos where I was wearing over sized men's shirts or maternity dresses and wonder why I wasted so many years. Also why no-one noticed that why after each meal I would rush to the toilet!

I did try to get help when I was 22 after I landed in hospital for 2 weeks with very bad anemia. The GP referred me to a sex therapist!

Having 2 daughters of my own I have always been frank with them about my own eating problems and I watch like a hawk to see they are following the same path. Fortunately, so far they are ok.

Sling said...

That must have been a tough row to hoe for both of you..
One of my favorite vocalists,Karen Carpenter died from anorexia,and it's just such a waste.
Glad y'all conquered it,and came out ok on the other side..

Middle Child said... as always is in the eye of the thanks

Sorry Diane...its the same here we have a Labour Party which like the Democrats purports to take the soft option...and we have the Liberal national Coalition see your republicans...but it appears to me left wing right wing same bitd...upon election Wall streets controllers tell them all what they have to do no matter what they "promise".

Jacqui...then you kmpw the head stuff which those unaffected can never imagine...glad you are okay.

Sling - it must seem crazy to most guys... but it has to do with self esteem and the differneces imposed on girls and boys from day one... just love...unconditional love for those close is the only way to deal with these things plus sometimes a little very well scrutinised professional help...sometimes they can do much moire harm than good

Middle Child said...

Too many spelling errors sop]rry people...this is what I meant to say as always is in the eye of the thanks

Sorry Diane...its the same here we have a Labour Party which like the Democrats purports to take the soft option...and we have the Liberal national Coalition see your republicans...but it appears to me left wing right wing same bird...upon election Wall streets controllers tell them all what they have to do no matter what they "promise".

Jacqui...then you know the head stuff which those unaffected can never imagine...glad you are okay.

Sling - it must seem crazy to most guys... but it has to do with self esteem and the differences imposed on girls and boys from day one... just love...unconditional love for those close is the only way to deal with these things plus sometimes a little very well scrutinised professional help...sometimes they can do much moire harm than good

Cazzie!!! said...

Would you mind if I could use these links for people I may come across in my work as a nurse to realate to?
Thank goodness you all survived through this journey, though I do beleive it is a continuing battle non the less isn't it?

Middle Child said...

Go for it Cazzie...information and experience are just nothing if not used and shared.

Steven said...

My wife is struggling with bullimea.

Glad your daughter made it through.


Cazzie!!! said...

I have bookmarked the Angel's Wings site now on my blog, and I have a girl in the UK who is a sufferer of this and she has also bookmarked it so to let more people know of it and learn from it too :)

mirk said...

Glad as Dan says she got through it!!

My problem and one of my daughters problems is as I have said before we just can't put weight on, and she is suffering from the eejits that like to make a fool of people with the condition! They are calling her anorexic which she is not most of my siblings are thin as well it's in our genes which is a pain.

Middle Child said...

Steve to "outsiders" Bullimea seems crazy considering the damage - and it is really but sometimes I think for some its a sane reaction to an insane world... not my choice, some drink, some run beyond endurance, etc etc..but this is more deadly.

Thanks Cazzie...I have told Alison.

Mirk - couldn't agree more I just wish perople would mind their beeswax and not make judgements ...once our daughter - who was well over the Annorexia/bullimea, became ill with a hospital strength germ in her stomach and has become dangerously dehydrated because she couldn't keep stuff down for a few days... in hospital, because minus the annorexia she happens to be a small person in hieght and weight - they treated her as if she'd done it to herself and were quite cruel - when it was one of their own filthy bugs she'd picked up from a day procedure... everyone things they know without information these days.