(see earlier post for clarification on cat bibs)The latest on "Tiger" has me looking over my shoulder and being very careful where i poke my hands an
On Friday afternoon - I was talking on the phone (again) with a daughter - when there was a scuffling noise at my feet under the kitchen table. At first I thought it was a black snake till I saw the small head, and lighter colour - bugger me she'd landed a one metre long tree snake at my feet and it was all over the place...as was I. I grabbed the cat by the tail (sorry cat lovers, no choice) and had to fight her off the snake which was lashing back at both of us now. She got flung unceremoniously onto the bed and I shut her in there. I had a horrible smell on my hands which I found out later is what these snakes do when badly threatened. How this cat managed to bring inside the house a one metre long snake is a mystery. I think she might have super powers.
When I came out the snake was no where to be seen. I was hopeful he had gone out the door but checked under and around everything. After a while I went up to let the cat out - into the house not outside) and saw a tree snake crossing the path near the bedroom window.
Happy ending!
Till all of a sudden the cat went crazy and came charging up the hall towards me with the snake in mouth and it was fighting to get free...I grabbed her again and the pair of us went into another room and shut the door...I know they are not poisonous but you do what you do when things happen fast - I opened the door and its on the outside, so thought I'd throw a few magazines i had in its general direction so it'd go back down the hall and outside...but it started sitting up...
these are a petty snake really and harmless but when you find yourself in this position all the primal snake fear takes over.
Then instead of going outside the snake went into this room where i have my computer and tonnes of books, boxes and nooks and crannies enough to hide a whole family of snakes...
So nights coming on and its not poisonous enough to call the wildlife people - I am sure they'd hoot with laughter...but a metre long snake still is a snake. I put both cats out in the verandah room - Cuss the good cat and bloody Tiger - the bastard delinquent. How to get the snake out of the room? how to find it actually? So I closed all the doors to all the rest of the house, and opened the front door so it could get out - risky at this time of year as others can come in...
I very carefully opened the door to this room and with broom in hand entered...quiet... nothing but s bit of a rustle in the boxes behind the door - not going there people. I switched on some music on full bore - snakes are supposed to hate noise - but this one seemed to like the bagpipes...no go.
Then another daughter on the phone (the daughter who gave me this cat!!!!) suggested standing outside the window with a saucepan and spoon and bang it a bit...which I did being desperate...
That night I locked myself in my bedroom to sleep, and closed the door to this room in the hope the snake could be dealt with the next day...
It was never seen again. But the cat seems very interested in the corner of that room so am unsure...I keep expecting it to drop from a light fitting or a fan blade...snakes like water so check the toilets well... I just can not see how it could have gotten out past me...
Its a bit unnerving at times out here - but i love it - snakes and all
The snake I saw was dark on the back like the one below and am thinking that the other one i saw on the path might be its mate. This one wasn't all that thin and was close to the full length they grow to -
Hi Middle Child,
Are you giving up on the CatBib because Tiger caught a snake? The CatBib really works in stopping cats from catching birds. Because it gives the bird the one second needed to fly away, escape. You might want to try the large CatBib?
No way Anon - it works as far as birds go...its a blessing - I'm going to get a cow bell to hang round her neck to warn the reptiles and call it CatBell
oh dear... snakes creep me out... I couldn't even watch "Snakes on a plane" when it was on telly the other night... eeeep!!
Sometimes I'm frightened to come here for the latest instalment of "Therese in Trouble". I told you that cat would get around a dumb bib. Are you sure that Thorne the Wonder Dog hasn't been re-borne in Tiger?
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