Saturday, August 09, 2008

On a Sunday morning long ago -

( these two are 33 and 30 now), I was having a shower so we could all go into town. Don and the kids were all ready... so I thought. I remember he yelled through the bathroom door, you'd better keep the hot water running. Then these two came inside the bathroom.

Bloody hell.

We'd just ploughed up the paddock next door for tree planting, as we had a small nursery. There'd been a lot of rain and Don being the good dad he was told the kids to go for it, but not till he got them to set him up with the camera. we had one that self focused and he took great shots.

I've got a confession...we have 57 photo albums - yes i should be shot but some real good stuff in there. I much prefer photos in an album to on the screen, even if they are bigger and clearer. We had a great day after this, and I didn't mind much at all look at the faces - how could you mind?

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1 comment:

Ann ODyne said...

it's a treat to beat your feet in the Mississippi mud

those girls still look gorgeous even when they're covered in mud.
a triumph.

peace and love