Thursday, April 20, 2006

Charlie asked have I recovered from the rellies? Maybe tomorrow I might say yes.

The kids were great kids as mentioned.

My sister with the bunny ears in this picture and I were both physically sick yesterday..thinking it might be a virus...but the way we both feel we think it was total exhaustion.

These kids greeted Don up in the front bedroom at 6.45am on Easter Sunday morning, and seconds after this shot the little one on the right chucked an uncontrollable and uncontrolled hissy fit and danced all over the bed...maybe she couldn't get the whole bunny in her mouth at once.

Another pair of bunny ears, another sister's daughter, one of the best animators I have seen for a while and a thoroughly nice kid.

And here are three just beautiful kids, who when let sit still for a day, are delightful. Poor little buggers.

Another section of the house on Easter Sunday.

But wait there were more people staying with us... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are just absolutely great to look at and read are a trooper and getting sick with the flu and all---you did good sister! I have enjoyed myself--thanks for sharing your love, family, and friends. blessings