Saturday, April 10, 2010

Frogmouth Owls

I was outside cleaning up and look what was sitting so close and so still for ages - First I thought there was only one owl then it flapped up into the tree near the front steps and there were two... I don't think they could really see me that well because at one time I was close enough to touch them - but didn't...that beak looks pretty solid...there had been a goanna in the bushes below maybe thats what they were doing there - but he was huge so maybe they were just out late ,,,click on the photos to have a really good look at them - they are something

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BwcaBrownie said...

Jeepers MC - your garden is an adventure zone!
I love owls and I love lizards.
you lucky thing.

Middle Child said...

Bwca Brownie...its really quiet here usually...but if I keep my eyes open...things are out there.