Saturday, August 07, 2010

Water Fluoridation is due to start in my home town next year even after our decades long fight and council referendum showed the majority of residents were against it... if you think Fluoridation is good for you please watch this and then think about what you have been absorbing over the decades - especially if you have renal impairment which most elderly people do... and other issues to do with the thyroid and the skeletal system. Don and I fought this for years because of the disastrous health effects caused by fluorides even though they are insidious and accumulative - many forms of cancer have been laid at the doorstep of fluoride absorption... this as on South Australia's Today tonight is really worth six minutes of time to watch and think about


Shrinky said...

Both my youngest and I have an underactive thyroid gland, and take meds for it. We are also at higher risk of developing oestioperosis (not the right spelling, but you get the gist - wink). This is quite shocking, I am so glad we don't have fluridation in the water over here - sorry the powers that be refuse to listen to you (sigh).

Middle Child said...

The only copuntries in the whole world that seem to practice forced medication of the population via water fluoridation are the English Speaking ones...a fair part of England is fluoridated but the scots and Welsh have gotten rid of it from what i understand...The Europeans have all turfed it out...

Cazzie!!! said...

Bloody scary stuff!

Anonymous said...

Having come from a part of the world where natural fluoride is high and then being educated in the UK where fluoride was added to the water along with fluoride treatments in school, I suffer from fluorosis.
Personally I can see no good reason to medicate an entire population on any grounds. I find it immoral.
Fluoride is a toxin (as stated on toothpaste packaging) the swallowing of which needs emergency medical help. According to research its toxicity lies in between that of lead and arsenic.
Many of the side effects of fluoride ingestion can be found at the website Time to Awaken
Currently there is a plan to add lithium to the water supplies after tests done in Japan found the population more docile - they should be, lithium is used in the treatment of manic depression and bi-polar disorders. This can be found as a BBC report here.
This amounts to the drugging and poisoning of entire populations.