My eldest sister visiting - can regale one for hours on the quality and quantity and pattern of each single item of clothing she has in her shopping bag... she even tested me in the car wash as to the range of different materials used - )I finally decided to get the layers of inland red dust off the van - hopeful thats the last dust storm!!) each strand of glass beads chosen over almost and hour at the local markets is ooohhed over and ahhhed over...and and then she went back for more just on closing time - There isn't an inch of any shopping centre she has ever visited that she hasn't made herself familiar with...
Where as my time is spent buying and sometimes reading good quality books like this one which kept me amused while I waited the imminent arrival of Mrs Clothes Horse - I learnt a lot reading this book...much of it unknown to a poor provincial country girl like me... and am awaiting the release of the new superhero movie "Captain Underpants" with highly anticipated glee...
But at the end of the day the things we share and like are the same... a cheap (always) glass of Australian wine - and "beetroot dip" - couldn't get more Australian than that.
This was the first glass and we both look a bit wrecked - But we looked better as the night went on...we both agreed...
Now am waiting to see what delights today brings - a bit scary sometimes wondering what is in store. She's here till the wee small hours of Sunday - a surprise visit and welcomed.
Sounds like Sis's vusit has left you feeling pretty cheerful1
That's great!
Glad you've still got some 'normal' rellies amongst your lot. wOOt yay!!!
How lovely! We have that book!!!
Where would we be without our sisters eh? Those that bring joy, not the other kind.
Sling - she's always been one of the goodies on this planet - her and Don were like a pair of good mates and shitstirred me often - she's one you know would watch your back always and vice versa for me.
Mal - two out of four is half so I gues I shouldn't complain
Foxymoron you are right there.
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