Saturday, March 28, 2009

Remember this one... it was different...

a bit of silliness with a message ...couldn't get the you tube icon to come up...the second link is the clearest

Bob Geldof - The Great Song of Indifference

Original video by Bob Geldof. Higher quality video available from universalmusicgroup's channel:


FoxyMoron said...

Great! First time I have ever seen Geldof as anything but grungy.

Early on his voice reminds me of Knopfler. Not that I mind. At all.

Anonymous said...

That was when he was enjoying life and hadn't been beaten down circumstances. Why do we become miserable, stuck in the mud, gits as we get older?

Mom said...

What a delightful little song!

Middle Child said...

Foxy moron..never been sure what i thought of gerldorf...but then its the singing and songs that matter i guess.

happy Jacqui Some people are like that at age ten... some are still lighthearted at 80...some grow meaner, some grow happier...

Mom 'tis that it 'tis