Caroline...of course I wil take came late this afternoon...I walked down the long driveway and shut the chain gate and looked back...there were the beautiful green trees, a swaying in the breeze...all looked so beautiful but in the back of my mins was the real fact that "there but for the grace of God go I...and other things... so the picture grew....
Thta's different. good on you :) :)
Caroline...of course I wil take came late this afternoon...I walked down the long driveway and shut the chain gate and looked back...there were the beautiful green trees, a swaying in the breeze...all looked so beautiful but in the back of my mins was the real fact that "there but for the grace of God go I...and other things... so the picture grew....
Mal ..I draw and paint because when nothing else your does the led in the pencil
This captures the feeling in my heart perferctly Therese.
Achingly beautiful.
Cry is right, I looked like someone had punched me in both eyes yesterday. Had to get away from the tv.
Cazie...its just how i felt...and the tears were there...
Jules thank you.
Foxymoron thank you...just came from me olde worlde heart
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