Friday, May 17, 2013

Six years today

Rest in Peace lovely Don - 1950 - 17th May 2007. Its six years today since Don was killed by gross medical malpractice - and still no one is accountable. He is remembered with great love and affection by our little family, and I know where his soul is now - that's what those who brutalised him don't seem to understand. One day they will have to answer for their criminal behaviour - in a higher court than the ineffective ones we have on earth.


Ann ODyne said...

a virtual hug from me dear Stirrer.
You are a monument.

Middle Child said...

Hello to you - hard to believe - how have you been - don't visit as much as once did - what are you up to these days

FoxyMoron said...

So sorry I didn't remember this anniversary, I just put your book into the bookcase last night (still unpacking) and thought of
Don, and of you.
Lots of love to you and the

Middle Child said...

its okay I don't always remember Sarah's day- but I know you care - that's all that matters