Last time Ali was home, when Thorn died, we pulled out the Scrabble game... Inside are all the score sheets from games past - usually when we are all together like Christmases...
But sadly when we cheated at Scrabble it was almost always gender based and don being the only male in the house had three experienced cheaters to deal with... it still makes me laugh my guts out to remember how the girls would use blutack to stick preferred letters under the table (before the game)... but what made the pair of us really laugh so hard we cried was finding this score sheet which I am holding in the first photo and if you want to see what's written on the back of it enlarge that dreadful photo...
We had a plan that if we all three of us pointed over Don's shoulder as if there was something really dreadful there "like a ghost" (remember we lived in an old dark house at the time) scene set...
we figured, he would look behind him to see what it was and in that time we'd jointly change the board and his letters...oh to be a man in a female household...
of course being old poker face Don he didn't fall for it and no doubt we looked pretty stupid... you know he won every scrabble game ever apart from one which when he realised old feisty Ali was winning he upended the game (AHEM)... no matter how much we cheated he bloody well won.
So in honour of the games we played and of Don and because we were feeling so devastated after the doggie Thorn's death we did a re run of the "looks" we should have given him to make him turn around... we had such fun...
if you look closely at the last photo you'll see the damage I did to myself when I had words with a barbed wire fence..and a tetanus needle...
and laugh... I haven't laughed so hard for a long time and bugger me then I cried!
Bwaaahaaha! I love these! I can "hear" these pictures... the scary movie music and the terrified screams!!!
That's GREAT! Thanks for the smiles!!!!
Mal :)
Love it - you are all quite mad! We are similar as a family!
It cracked me to hear that despite your cheating, you didn't win, well there you go!
What fun. Do you really think he would have fallen for the looks?
Now I am laughing too. Remind me never to play scrabble with you.
janene - yairss.. I have home videos of Don and the kids re enacting "Oicnic at Hanging Rock" which we call "Picnic at Don Rock" and Don put on a wig and truely was little fat Eadie...then anouther hat and he was Tom the coachman (I was Mrs Apple Tart" That was what was so amazing about Don - he was in sync with the kids witthout losing his authority - like if they were bored or said they were they got a weeding the garden type job. Sadly I was spoiled - althou he was a Qaudriplegic for so many years he was rich and funny and disgraceful at times, but noble and brave and he loved us so totally...thats why I bloody well cried after laughing.... bloody memopries!
Team Gherkin the price of the smiles ios free - and you are welcome to them.
Anne - we nwver won - either Don won and he only had one high school year - or Ali won - never melissa or I - the buggers... but he almost always won. Still can't figure it out.
Random thinker - no way Hosay! he would have been watching everythibng with his eagle eyes... He was a brilliantly intelligent man - lucky to not be over educated - and had a poker face...we were kindergarten to him...hahahaha
Mom - I promise not to cheat but will bring you many glasses of water/ wine/ coffee/ whatever so you have to have many toilet warned!
That was great post! I love those photos of you and your Ali!
Our family are similar.
I know you miss him every day. It's great that your kids had the time with him that they did, but it sucks that he didn't get to see his grandkids. Life sometimes is SO unfair!
Ohhh... too funny!!!
I LOVE that your family has such a great sense of humour!
Yeah - what everybody said above - All the fun you had - you're a treasure.
much love
Foxymoron - our house rocked with silliness and we are just starting to be game to do it again. It was too hard earlier
Sara (you laughin at me!!!!)
Jin I pray if there is rebirth at all that I am always born into a family that knows how to laugh often
ann o'dyne - Mum used to call me a "card" if you remember that old term - haven't had the word treasure before why thank you
Thank you for this post! I needed a good belly laugh!
Kudos to Don for holding out against the wiles of three women!..I'd have gotten my ass kicked.
I'm lovin' the pix,and the reminiscence
alright then, it's true that you're a treasure and a card!
CM glad to oblige sweetie
Sling - its my be sure. Yes you'd have gotten you ass kicked but somehow he didn't
ann o'dyne...a card and a treasure..too true
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