Saturday, December 14, 2013

happy Christmas

          Happy Christmas 2013
It will soon be two years since I moved to Point Cook. It’s taking time to get used to the weather change although I have to admit I have enjoyed the summers because it’s not humid. I do miss the hills as it’s very flat where I live now .

Thankfully I am still in touch with very nice people who bought our place out at Fernbank Creek near Port Macquarie. I’m grateful for the many photos they have sent of them and the kids on their horses in the house and looking very happy to be living there as we were. Thankfully also I am still in touch with Winifred the lady that Don and I bought the place at Fernbank Creek off and have just received her Christmas card. It’s nice to be able to let her know that the place she loved and lived with her husband so long, is being now enjoyed by one of the nicest families I have met.

Earlier this year our father’s sister Aunty Ruth passed away. I have to thank our Aunty Betty for her care for her in the last years. Up to this point all of our family appear to have had a reasonable year health wise and am looking forward hopefully to the same in the next year.

Not a lot of events to record this year really. I did get taken to the Cirque d Soleil by Alison and Andrew for my birthday and that was something special. If you can get to it I wouldn’t miss it.

In March my sister Veronica and I went to the Port Fairy Folk Festival three or four days and we had the best time ever just about. There were so many singers and bands from here and overseas that we were able to soak in the atmosphere there was something special. Average age about 60 so we fitted in pretty well. We are going again next March and looking forward to it I urge anyone who is able to get to the Festival just to do it once in a life you won’t be disappointed. I got down to  see Melissa and Chris a couple of times this year and always have a wonderful time when I do.  I am fortunate in living close to Alison and Andrew and we all keep in touch - it may be a small family but ours is a very close family.

I am so much looking forward to having Christmas with Melissa and Alison and family. Christmas time is always very special for our family as for others. Christmases past were always made very special by Don’s being who he was and making things very special for all of us. We try to remember his sense of fun and of the importance of the family when we all came together and this is what Christmas means to the girls and I.

I hope you will have had a good year family wise, health wise and in every other way. I’d like to wish you a happy Christmas and happy New Year and the best wishes for the future.